Housing and support
LinkPeople is a community housing provider that works with people who need support to find a home, keep a home, and live well.
Emergency Housing
If you have nowhere to stay tonight or in the next seven days, please contact Work and Income to access emergency housing.
What we do
LinkPeople supports people into a home and helps them stay there. Our experienced case workers focus on understanding people’s challenges and needs, to help them find a home that suits them. We recognise that what is right for one person is different for another.
We have our own housing that we support people to live in, and we also help people access other social housing or properties in the private rental market. We understand the challenges that can make it hard to find and keep a home, and we work in partnership with a range of organisations to help people overcome them.
LinkPeople’s work is funded from a number of sources, which means the services we offer differ from one area to another. Below is a summary of the full range of services we offer.
Housing placement
We are specialists at supporting people into housing. We prioritise understanding people’s needs and finding suitable housing solutions – which might change over time as their needs evolve.
LinkPeople provides housing support to a wide range of people facing housing challenges, but we have expert skills in working with people with experience of mental illness, addictions and homelessness. We often support people to transition from inpatient and residential care, community and emergency housing settings, into permanent, independent housing.
Our background benefits all LinkPeople tenants as we are well equipped to support people experiencing distress and connect them with appropriate services, at the right time.

Sustaining tenancies
We support people whose tenancy is at risk to identify and solve the problems that are impacting on their housing and wellbeing, to help them keep their home.
We work in close partnership with landlords and other organisations to create connections and find solutions that support the wellbeing of people and communities.
Safe, secure, affordable housing is the platform to good physical and mental health, better education and employment outcomes, positive whānau relationships and connected communities.
Tenancy management
As a social landlord, LinkPeople manages a portfolio of housing that we lease from private property owners and Kainga Ora, and rent to people in need of housing. We also work closely with landlords and property developers to source and build properties that meet the specific needs of the people we support.
Our focus and expertise is in supporting people to live well in our houses. We offer our tenants practical support and advice to manage their wellbeing, and to be good tenants and neighbours. With the right support people can live a more independent, well connected and meaningful life.
We encourage property owners to become part of the solution to New Zealand’s housing crisis – there are plenty of good reasons to do so.

Service navigation
Helping people understand and navigate the health and community services available to them is a key part of supporting them to live well.
With our strong local and community networks, we make it easier for people to identify the services they need. If they have problems getting the services they need, we’ll help them find out what is causing the problem and work with them to find a solution.
We also provide needs assessment service coordination (NASC) and GP integration in some areas – connecting people experiencing mental health concerns to appropriate community services, approving funding for full time carers to access respite, and transitioning people from specialist mental health care to primary care via their GP.